There are many different mediums that one can use in a painting. A lot of artists start off using Acrylics or watercolors. These are often easier to get into for the person who hasn't done any painting before. It is not as easy to master oil. However, as you persevere, you will find the difference between acrylic and
oil based paintings, for example.
There are a lot of ways that the oil paints stands out which gives the painting various effects. This is something you don't achieve with other mediums. For example, you are able to blend it in with greater ease. This is because the paint takes a longer period to dry. It makes it so much easier to work.
Some people will try out oils and find that they go back to acrylics because they like to work fast. They will take advantage of the fact that the paint dries so quickly. On the other hand, there are people who find that this is a negative factor. They like to take their time when painting something specific, such as a portrait or a landscape.
When acrylics came along, some of the artists took to them and were fascinated by the drying time. Compared to the oils. Many painters were against this because it means that you have to work very fast. You will have trouble blending in the paint. There are less effects that you can create. However, there are things that you can do with the acrylics to make them stand out as well.
By applying a lot of paint, this will create some texture. Artists often use a lot of tools. It especially relates to abstract painters who will use different palette knives. They will use sponges and bottles where they can splash on the paint. They will also create layers and you can see some of the color underneath. This also creates interesting undertones.
You can use inks as well as acrylic spray paints to create the watered down effect. Of course, this will depend on your subject matter. It also depends on whether you are doing Abstract or something that is more realistic. It is the abstract painters who will usually tend to stick to the acrylics. It means that you have to work quickly. A lot of abstract work is done in this fashion so they are suitable.
Abstract painters may complain that it doesn't create as much texture because and it doesn't spread easily. However, there are other solutions to help with this. There are mediums which you can mix with the oil paint. Artists will do this beforehand. Some artists will use the acrylic as a base. This can make a good background. It is a good idea if you are an abstract painter because colors are more vibrant.
Oils will definitely suit someone who paints in a more realistic way, where they focus on portraits for example. Sometimes, you will need to take out certain brushstrokes or you will need to redo an area. Mineral turpentine will assist with this. However, acrylics don't perform in the same way. You simply have to paint over the area, and sometimes this does not create the same effect or there is too much texture which is not what you are looking for.