During birth, there are several things that come attached with us that are genetically from our family members. A
jaw liner is of the few examples of things that are genetic whether they are strong or not. And we cannot control them in any case. But on the same issue there things that we can do and minimize the state of the jaw. A weak jaw line should not stop anyone from looking as fierce as they would want.
When we smile for those that smiling come naturally we gain several benefits from it. Not most people love smiling but they miss the advantages that come attached to it. It is a form of exercise and if one smiles frequently it makes the muscles stretch and leaves the face looking better and tight. A smile, therefore, is medicine for a better look.
Clenching and releasing your jaw is another kind of exercise. In order to get a better looking jaw line, it depends on how you are working or exercising your jaw. It is advisable for one to clench the jaw for about ten seconds before releasing the jaw. It is not very comfortable to do this, but one should do it as many times as possible so as to tone the jaw.
One should also practice chin lifts. Try and tilt your head upwards then try and keep the eyes fixed on the ceiling. Then strain the lips like you are trying to kiss something and maintain it for five seconds and release then repeat the same thing as many times as possible. It maintains the facial tightness because the exercise works out a variety of muscles.
Temples and brows also affect jaws. This is because they affect the blood supply to the jaw area. Frowning your brows and improper temples may lead to the disruption of blood supply to the jaw. You are therefore encouraged to practice rubbing temples in a circular motion to ensure this situation. It is actually proven that such rubbing can heal or resolve migraine headaches.
Fish faces also help in toning the cheeks and jaws. This exercise is done by sucking the cheeks in and then at the same time smiling, the fish face should be hold for a period of about five minutes before releasing. Do the same thing for a number of times. The exercise is good and can be done by most people at any given place as long as one is determined to do it.
In food related issues, one is advised to take food stuff that have a very low level of salt. Salt is very harmful and causes several damages to the skin. Eating high levels of salt causes the skin to carry less water, this condition results to the skin being less bloated. A less bloated skin makes it very hard for jaw line to appear like one would want.
In the same line, one should also get enough sleep. It is advised for one to sleep for a minimal of eight hours but for most people six or five hours is enough for them. To get a good and better looking jawline you have no option but to sleep for the whole eight hours.